张晓艺 系别:大学英语教学部 职称:讲师 最高学位:博士 研究方向:语言测试理论与实践 |
2014.09– 2019.06 上海交通大学 外国语言学及应用语言学,博士
2012.09– 2013.10 兰卡斯特大学 应用语言学,硕士(一等荣誉)
2011.09– 2014.03 上海交通大学 外国语言文学,硕士
2009. 10– 2010. 07 科隆大学 校方公派交流
2007. 09– 2011. 07 中山大学 英语语言文学、德语语言文学,学士
2019年7月至今,任bet365备用网址-bet365在线 大学英语教学部讲师
1. 金艳,王伟,张晓艺,赵英华. (2020). 大学英语四级口语考试自动评分效度初探.中国考试,7:25-33.
2. 张晓艺,金艳. (2019).评分量表对口语考试构念效度的影响:交互构念理论视角.外语界,1:61-70.
3. 张晓艺. (2017). 英语阅读能力描述语“可理解性”研究:外语学习者视角. 外语界,5:12-21.
4. 张晓艺. (2016). 《重审语言测试:哲学性与社会性探寻》评述. 外语教学与研究,4:630-633.
5. 张晓艺. (2014). 语言测试的视野拓展:测试、诊断、问责——“第 35 届语言测试研究学术讨会”综述. 外语测试与教学,2:60-64.
6. 金艳,张晓艺. (2013). 技能综合对语言测试构念效度的影响——培生英语考试与大学英语六级网考的对比研究. 外语电化教学,6:3-10.
1. Zhang, X. (2019, Oct.) An investigation of the construct validity of the CET-SET: Perspectives on the construction and use of rating scales. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Language Assessment (AALA). Hanoi, Vietnam: University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
2. Zhang, X. (2018, July). Effects of rating method on rater judgments: Understanding construct-context interaction in speaking performance assessment. Paper presentedat the 2018 Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS). Shanghai, China: Fudan University.
3. Zhang, X. & Jin, Y. (2017, July). Effects of rating method on oral English proficiency assessment: An investigation of rater orientations. Paper presented at the 39th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Bogota, Columbia: Universidad de los Andes.
4. Zhang, X. (2017, May). Linking performance assessment to language scales: Challenges of the rating method effect. Poster presented at Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) 6th International Conference. Bologna, Italy: Universita Stranieri Siena.
5. Jin, Y., Zou, S. & Zhang, X. (2015, March). What do CEFR descriptors mean to college English teachers and students in China? Paper presented at the 37th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Toronto, Canada: Eaton Chelsea Hotel.
6. Jin, Y. & Zhang, X. (2013, July). Skill integration in language assessment: A comparative study of PTE-Academic and IB-CET. Poster presented at the 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University.
2019 AALA亚洲语言测试协会最佳博士论文奖(唯一获奖者)
2014 上海交通大学博士新生奖学金
2014 上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生
2013 教育部研究生国家奖学金
2008 教育部本科生国家奖学金
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